Give Up the Ghost

Give Up the Ghost - Megan Crewe This was a really solid paranormal YA entry.

Ghosts, in the non-scary sense, not shifters etc., and the romance is very believable teen stuff; light, awkward attraction that doesn't really go too far too fast and involves believable interactions. I found the MC's voice a little rough at the start, but came to appreciate how prickly and challenging she was.

It covers some tough territory, with family deaths, bullying, adults not coping well, secrets and backstabbing, substance abuse and suicidal depression, but feels clever, sarcastic and ultimately has some real heart to it, instead of just being bleak, grim, or miserable. The slow, tentative change arcs were unusually authentic; this plot felt like it reflects life better than most, but since it doesn't follow genre conventions and rigid plot structure so completely, it takes a little more work from the reader to appreciate.

Not just throwaway entertainment, but an enjoyable read nonetheless. Great quality; no issues with the editing or proofreading at all, which is refreshing. Bonus points for Canadian author! Will certainly look up her other books.